The Prussman Hour on Radio Misfits
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The Prussman Hour – Network Please
First you take The Prussman Hour add in some misery loves company and youll be in hot water. With four bitches in one room things are sure to get heated. Special guests Kevin Brennan and Geno Bisconte ... bridges with be Burnin, we are hanging out! [EP10
The Prussman Hour – Chad Zumock
Who’s Chad Zumock? After Stacey’s brief Twitter war with Chad. Stacey goes one on one with @chadZumock. We learn all about Cleveland’s 2011 eligible bachelor history, his intense loyalties, his enemies, what happened at The Roast of Kevin Brennan and m...
The Prussman Hour – Misery Loves Company
Stacey and Angela are Joined by Comedian Kevin Brennan @kevinbrennan666 of The Misery Loves Company podcast. Rob Saul and producer Adam . This is episode was recorded at The Comic Strip Live podcast studios. #donate #MLC #cohosts #patreon
The Prussman Hour – Tow Truck Adventures
Stacey And Angela on the eve of Stacey birthday talk about her weekend and the her tow truck adventure, #dead actors and athletes, #fangedmousedeer, disdain for people that call themselves #influencers, The peeping Jerkoff,
The Prussman Hour – Adam Hunter from MTV?
Stacey and Angela talk about their post #Halloween antics, Stacey #hauntedHouse horrors, Angela’s nieces car wreck, what really happened on the #DFWM Don’t F$ck w/ Me Tour and more! [EP101]
The Prussman Hour – Send Me No Photos
Stacey and Angela discuss #twitter feuds, queens of the compound show at White Plains Comedy Show, Angela’s dislike for people sending her photos from places she isn’t invited, Halloween and #Baghdadi dead.
The Prussman Hour – Angela’s Insane Life
Stacey and Angela talk about the recent tragedy at the fair, missing children, Stacey interviews Angela’s co workers Christian and Robert. The discuss #queensofthecompound at White Plains Comedy Club October 25,2019 and more.
The Prussman Hour – 10/10/19
Stacey and Angela record after Stacey’s #yomkippur fast. The women discuss, #healthyeating, #artielange’s amazing sobriety and handsome looks, stacey’s sore hips, Angela’s newest weight loss contest, #mattLauer , #goodvibes music and more
The Prussman Hour – Our Side Of The Story
Stacey and Angela discuss the #kevinbrennanroast, and they discuss at length the incident post roast night at #TheStand comedy club. Stacey and Angela initially wanting to ignore it, but some #fakenews came out and they thought it was only right that t...
The Prussman Hour – Magic Box
Stacey and Angela go very deep into discussion of the #ShaneGillis #SNL outrage. They get deep into the discussion of #racism #sexism and their own experiences with it. They talk about how #Comedy is the place they have found healing.