St. Francis Sunday Sermons
Latest Episodes
The First Sunday After the Epiphany- January 12, 2020
Sermon for 01/12/20 from the Reverend Dominic George, TSSF. Musical selections: 'Down Galilee's Slow Roadways' (Burkhardt) 'May this Water Keep Us Aware' (Uehlein) Dale Richards- musical director Jason Jia- organist
The Second Sunday of Christmas- January 05, 2020
Sermon for 01/05/20 from the Reverend Bob Kossler. Musical selections from the St. Francis' Choir: 'Wandering Kings' (Andrew Carter) 'That King Before Whose Majesty' (arr. Jack Noble White) Dale Richards- musical director Jason Jia- piano and organ
The Feast of Christmas (Christmas Eve Eucharist + Music Program) - December 24, 2019
The Feast of Christmas, celebrated with eucharist and music at the St. Francis Episcopal Church, San Francisco, December 24-25, 2019.
The Third Sunday of Advent- December 15, 2019
Sermon for 12/15/2019 from the Reverend Bob Kossler
The First Sunday of Advent- December 1, 2019
Sermon for 12/01/2019 from the Reverend Dominic George, TSSF.
The Last Sunday of Pentecost- Christ the King- November 24, 2019
Sermon for 11/24/2019 from the Reverend Bob Kosseler. Musical selections: ‘We All Believe’ (Pasch, Weaver) ‘Yours, Lord, is the Greatness’ (How) Dale Richard- musical director Jason Jia- organ and piano
The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost- November 17, 2019
Sermon for 11/17/2019 from the Reverend Dominic George, TSSF Musical selections: 'Wordless Song within the Waters' (Fedak) 'May the Words' (Helfman) Dale Richard- musical director Jason Jia- organ and piano
The Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost- November 10, 2019
Sermon for 11/10/2019 from the Reverend Bob Kossler. Musical selections: 'Take My Life, and Let It Be' (Hopson) 'Os'eh Shalom' (Davidson) Dale Richard- musical director Jason Jia- piano and organ
The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost- October 20, 2019
Sermon for 10/20/2019 from the Reverend Dominic George, TSSF.
The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost- October 13, 2019
Sermon for 10/13/2019 from the Reverend Bob Kossler. Musical selections: How Firm a Foundation- Paul E. Koch God be in My Head- Richard Shephard Dale Richard- musical director Jason Jia- organ