Spotlight Church
Latest Episodes
Rediscover Christmas: Finding Peace In Our Struggles
Everyone seems to be looking for peace especially during difficult times. Pastor Mark reminds us that real peace is waiting for us this Christmas!
Rediscover Christmas: Finding Hope In Our Uncertainties
Wow, what a year! Has there ever been a year filled with more uncertainty? At least in our lifetimes? If there’s ever a year we need the hope of Christmas, this is it. If there’s ever a year we need Christ, this is that year.
Rethinking Your Life: Defeating Discouragement
In this sermon, Pastor Andrew works through Paul’s letter to the Philippians to hear from an ‘old friend’ how we can defeat discouragement in these challenging times.
Rethinking Your Life: Win Over Persistent Temptation
This week Pastor Mark helps us to look at changing the way we think about temptation. Because, we often get stuck in a cycle of good intentions, failure and then, guilt. And then, good intentions and failure and guilt.
Rethinking Your Life: Your View of Sin
This week’s message is about rethinking sin because when we think of sin, we often we don’t really understand what it’s all about. Pastor Mark wants us to do three things: 1) Define what really is sin? 2) What’s the problem with it?
Rethinking Your Life: Your View of Pain
Geoff and Sandra Moon experienced a tragedy that shook them to their core but it also revealed the power of God to help them in their time of deep pain. This message tells about their journey in dealing with pain.
Rethinking Your Life: Choosing to Manage Your Mind
God is far more interested in changing your mind than he is in changing your circumstances. We always want God to change our circumstances. God wants to change your mind. Have you ever noticed your mind doesn’t always obey you?
Rethinking Your Life: Your View of God
In this week’s message, Pastor Mark will be sharing about you can change your life by changing how you view God. He shares 6 ways in which you need to view God differently.
Rethinking Your Life: Thinking Like Jesus
The way we think is connected to our purpose and function in our world. In this sermon, Pastor Andrew talks about three components of the way Jesus thought based on His purpose to announce the Kingdom of God.
Rethinking Your Life: Your View of Yourself
Rethinking Your View of Yourself is about learning to think in a whole new way. It’s about learning to think with the mind of Christ. Change doesn’t begin with behaviour. If you try to start with your behaviour you’re going to fail.