Sovereign Eats: The Royal Way to Wellness and Good Food

Latest Episodes
Back To Basics: Vegan vs Plantbased
What does it all mean? Veganism is about the ethics! Being Plant based is about ones personal health. In the 1980s, Dr. T. Colin Campbell introduced the term plant-based dieta low fat, high fiber,
We Are Body, Spirit and Soul
The body is the vessel for the spirit and soul and in many ways can be considered a vehicle. It houses and holds the spirit. Spirit is not an eternal form, our thought forms are spirits but cannot tak
How To Work Through Mental Health Matters
LaJune Singleton talks to us about working through mental health matters. She is a Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Mindset Strategist, Nutritional Lifestyle Coach. LaJune is also a Cycling [
The Sustainability of Sleep
The sustainability of sleep has been, for the most part, grossly underrated. It is one of the most overlooked tools for recharge and rejuvenation. I would even go as far []
Sovereign Sister: 9 Ways To Support Your Plant-Based Feminine Body – Session 1
Supporting your body’s needs and knowing how to balance your nutrients, minerals and energetics for optimum health. My initial journey into a vegan life began long before the word vegan […]
Homeschooling, Nation-building and Education.
You are probably wondering what does Homeschooling, Nation-building, and Education have in common. Is it safe to say you are also probably considering how these fit into this months focus? []
5 Ways To Overcome Type 2 Diabetes with Robin Wong
In this episode our guest Robin Wong explores 5 Ways to Overcome Type 2 Diabetes. This is another healthful, informative, and mind-expanding episode as we start of the Month of […]
6 Superfoods That Helped Me Transition To A Plant-Based Life Part 2
In our previous post,3 Reasons I Transitioned To A Plant-based Life Part1, we explored 3 of my most important motivations for transitioning to a raw plant-based lifestyle. In my transition []
3 Reasons I Transitioned To A Plant-Based Life
The reasons I transitioned to a plant-based life sparked my health journey. Allow me to reintroduce myself, I am Moksha, health food and wellness coach. I attribute my knowledge and passion for food