Stout Training

Stout Training

Karel Pravec “Silver Fox” on training Jiu Jitsu after 50, technical creativity in BJJ, and more

May 24, 2021

Karel is in his late 50’s and still trains jiu jitsu 7 days per week often with other high level competitive blackbelts.  Karel recently taught a seminar at Stout PGH on armbars.  He has some unique concepts and techniques around armbars and many other techniques.  Karel has coach champions in jiu jitsu at the highest level and has coached several successful MMA fighters.  He runs two successful schools in NJ.  He also works with Firas Zahabi of Tri-Star and hosts the weekly free live stream “Roll With the Fox”.  You can get on the mats with Karel at his schools or the many camps and seminars he teaches in Europe, USA, and Costa Rica.  In this episode Warren Stout talks to Karel about developing creativity in jiu jitsu, thhe importance of attitude that team leaders adopt, and some of his background growing up in Europe.

Karel teaching at Stout PGH Team Renzo Gracie

Karel Pravec Silver Fox armbar seminar Pittsburgh Stout PGH 2021

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