The Gospel of Repentance Ministries

The Gospel of Repentance Ministries

Latest Episodes

Who or what is the Church?
May 27, 2017

What do we mean when we say, “I’m going to Church”. Is the Church the building we go to on Sunday’s to worship, or is it something else?

Adam’s Sin
May 24, 2017

Why does one man’s sin Adam affect the entire human race? Is is fair to punish all for this man’s act of rebellion when we were not even born until centuries later?

The Tithe
May 23, 2017

Is tithing God’s financial plan? Since the tithe predates the law that does that mean the Church is required to do it? Are we robbing God if we do not tithe like God commanded Israel in Malachi 3:8-10?

What is Foreknowledge?
May 23, 2017

In theology foreknowledge in relation to divine election has two main views, 1) does God look through time to see who will choose Him so in turns chooses them, or does God elect some to saving faith based on His own divine initiative? 

Women Pastors
May 23, 2017

A controversial subject to say the least. Many in the church see no problem with women serving as Pastors. Is it chauvinistic to say that women should not serve in this role? What if they believe they have been called by God to that office?

Sovereign Election
May 17, 2017

This glorious doctrine is misunderstood and despised by many because somehow many believe it brings God’s fairness into question. Is that reasoning fair or true? Listen in to find out!

The Deity of Christ
May 17, 2017

Was Jesus just a mere man who was a wise teacher who performed miracles or was He was God in the flesh?

What is Justification?
May 16, 2017

Justification is a rich theological term. The term is used in Bibles that are literal in their translation and deal with a formal equivalence (word for word philosophy), but what does it mean?

What is Providence?
May 16, 2017

Listen to see what providence means according to the Bible.

The Recovery Mission
May 16, 2017

Listen how the Father displays His love to the Son and how the Son lavishes His love to us in this podcast.