The Gospel of Repentance Ministries

The Gospel of Repentance Ministries

Latest Episodes

Is God a Respecter of Persons?
June 11, 2017

Is God’s choice of us conditional? Many believe God is partial. Many in Jesus’ day believed God favored the rich because they had wealth and were blessed as a result. What about salvation? What motivates God to choose whom He chooses? Is it man,

Genuine Faith is manifested by our works!
June 11, 2017

Can one say they have true saving faith if there are no works to support that faith? Do Ephesians 2:8-9 contradict James 2:14-26? On the surface, they appear to but they do not. Listen to find out why.

Are you a Lawbreaker?
June 08, 2017

When we break natural law, we are justly penalized.  What happens if we break God’s laws? What is the punishment for such an offense?

A Contradiction in Scripture? #3
June 08, 2017

This episode briefly examines Proverbs 26 verses 4 and 5. It appears the writer Solomon is contradicting himself but he is not.

I'm Lyrically Faded Dude!
June 08, 2017

Fun instrumental with wild sounds, fades, quick h…

A Contradiction in the Scripture? #2
June 04, 2017

Jesus in Luke in 14 says in order for us to follow him we must hate our family. What a shocking statement! This flies in the face of many other passages that commands us to love one another and our enemies. What did Jesus mean by this?

Fire Insurance Christian
June 04, 2017

There are many people that declare salvation only to escape the fires of everlasting damnation. While that is definitely a reason to run to God, that should not be our only motivation to become a believer.

Could Jesus have sinned?
June 01, 2017

There are some who believe since Jesus was tempted in His humanity, He could have sinned, but chose not to. Is this reasoning true? If he was incapable of sinning does this means His temptations were invalid?

Eternal Forgiveness Temporal Punishment
June 01, 2017

Some may wonder if we confess their sins to God, why is there still punishment? Please tune in to find out.

Temporary Sins Eternal Consequence
May 31, 2017

How does God deal with our sins in this life? Who pays for our sins Jesus or us?
