The Gospel of Repentance Ministries

The Gospel of Repentance Ministries

Latest Episodes

Are all sins the same?
July 02, 2017

We have all heard the phrase, “Well sin is sin!” We say that because we believe that all sin is the same and that there will be the same level of punishment for sin in the judgment.  What did Jesus have to say about it?

Uncovering Myths
June 26, 2017

When our loved ones in Christ precede us in glory, what are they doing? Many people believe they are looking down and protecting us from heaven. While the thought is a nice sentiment, can it be supported by scripture?

What is your soul worth to you?
June 26, 2017

Where will you spend your eternity? You need to be sure.

Jacob And Esau
June 26, 2017

Jacob and Esau serve as archetypes in God’s divine choice of everyone who will ever live. In what way you may ask? Paul explains to us in Romans 9 why this is so.

Binding and Loosing
June 26, 2017

These two words have taken a life of their own in the Church. What do they mean? Do we have the power to bind the devil and demons in Jesus’ name? What does loosing the angels mean? Admittedly some bizarre teachings have developed over these two words ...

Death and life are in the power of the tongue
June 26, 2017

Can we actually create death and life with our words? Do they contain that much power? There are some, perhaps many that believe that saying negative things can somehow produce negative energy in the universe. Is that really true?

II Peter 3:9
June 20, 2017

The above verse said that God desires that no one perish, but that all come to repentance. Who are the “all” in this verse? Is it referring to all people indiscriminately, or are the “all” described here are the all in some limited sense?

Unequally Yoked
June 20, 2017

Can believers and non believers interact together? If so, then on what level?

Where Is The Devil?
June 17, 2017

Is the Devil in heaven or hell?

The Call of God
June 14, 2017

What is the basis of God’s calling of sinners into his kingdom? Is it based on foresight or foreknowledge? Does God choose us after we have chosen him first? Does he choose us in time or before time? Is God’s election conditional or unconditional?
