Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

Navigating Distressed Properties: The One Word That Will Make Your Short Sale Marketing More Impactful & Empathetic w/Karen Hocutt

July 13, 2021

In a distressed market, the agents who do well center their marketing on being a helpful resource and an ally during hard times. The only challenge is, the markers of a distressed property market are unlike anything we’ve seen before, so we might miss the opportunity if we don’t know what to look for.    As an agent with little to no experience with defaults, short sales, and foreclosures, how do you navigate this market and prepare for it ahead of time? What word do we need to make a central part of all of our marketing efforts?    In this episode, I’m joined by North Carolina agent Karen Hocutt. We discuss how to prepare your business and your marketing for growth in the second half of 2021. Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    -Why the distressed market will look different in 2021 Today’s distressed market won’t be the same as the distressed market we saw after the 2008 crash. What unique factors are going to be present in this market and how do we prepare for it?    -How to infuse your marketing with empathy  How can we be more empathetic, collaborative and helpful by changing one word in our marketing vocabulary?    -The key to finding the right certification for you  How do we choose the right certification and designation for our real estate business goals?   -Why I let go of TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat and Clubhouse  Is it possible to get more leads and engagement on social media without creating more content or being on every platform?