Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

Jay & Samera Harvey on Dominating the Mobile Home Investing Niche

January 19, 2021

One of the most important marketing fundamentals we need to make a reality in our own lives and businesses is finding and dominating a niche. When we create our own lane, we’re able to have a clearer message, stand out more, understand our clients and serve them at a higher level.  Mobile home investing is one of the most fascinating and profitable niches in real estate. Today, I’m joined by an entrepreneurial couple who have flipped over 400 mobile homes, and are now teaching other people how to build wealth and financial freedom in the same space.  What strategies can we put in place with mobile homes so that they solve problems for other people? How can we use platforms like YouTube to dominate a niche and showcase our unique value proposition? In this episode, I’m joined by the co-founder of Trailer Cash Academy, Jay and Samera Harvey. They share how they got started and what helped them rise to the top of this niche.    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    Why mobile home investing serves an important purpose  Affordable housing is an issue in every metropolitan area in this country, and mobile homes can be a worthy answer to this problem. By investing in mobile homes, we can contribute to improving the lives of families in our communities.  Why we shouldn’t be on every social media platform  There’s so much pressure for us to be on platforms like TikTok and Clubhouse, but it’s important to remember how easily those shiny objects become distractions that take us away from our goals. Protect your time, if a platform is not where your ideal clients hang out and what makes you money, it shouldn’t be a priority.  How to create a client avatar  Think back to who you were at the time that you started and really needed the service you offer now. Get really specific about the biggest questions you had at the time and use that to inform the solution you create. If you understand the problem, you can position your product in order to solve that pain point.