Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

GoGo Bethke On Leveraging Technology and Using Quarantine to Better Ourselves and Our Businesses

May 12, 2020

The real estate industry is anything but business as usual right now. Agents have had to pivot, adapt and find new ways to keep businesses operating. Chaotic times can also be times of great opportunity, learning and growth. We can emerge out of this and embrace better opportunities.    We might not be able to meet up with our clients in person, hold open houses or sell homes as normal, but that doesn’t mean we should slow down or stop working.    Social media has not been shut down, and we have a wealth of resources at our fingertips to keep driving value. How do we leverage social media and technology to fill up some of the gaps this crisis is causing in our daily basis? In this episode, social media influencer, real estate agent and coach, GoGo Bethke shares what she has implemented in order to remain relevant and still sell real estate right now.   Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode  - The factor that really counts in this business  In our business, the actual sale of the product is at the very end of our client engagement. What counts is what happens before that, how we present ourselves and the value we offer.     - How to leverage virtual and remote technology in the selling process  We can educate our clients to take photos and videos of the home and upload them to a shared digital space where we can edit, fine-tune and post them. This way, homes can still get listed and potential buyers can see them.    - What our focus and messaging needs to be right now  Our focus right now should not be trying to sell homes or close more transactions, it should be to help people navigate these uncertain times. Reach out to clients and offer them support and value.   Guest Bio-  GoGo is the founder and owner of Gogo's Real Estate LLC, and a social media influencer, coach and speaker.  For more information and to sign up for GoGo’s social media Bootcamp visit and follow @GogosRealEstate  on Instagram.