Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

How to Pivot Quickly in a Crisis

March 31, 2020

Things have been strange and different lately in our lives and in our businesses because of Covid-19. For many of us the goals we had for the year are going to be set back. What are the measures we can implement to make sure that we can bounce back? How do we pivot to find new ways to do business? In this episode, I talk about the Coronavirus pandemic, how it’s affecting the real estate industry, and how we can move ahead with integrity and in line with our goals.    3 Takeaways In order to keep standing after this crisis, it’s going to be very important to pivot and find new opportunities.    You shouldn’t need to go to the office to send paperwork. Make sure you have the tools and resources that allow you to work from anywhere.    We owe our clients undivided loyalty and support right now.