Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

Jay Busselle On Why Twitter Is Still An Effective Social Selling Platform

February 25, 2020

In a marketing world where a lot of focus goes to Instagram and Facebook, Twitter is often overlooked. However, Twitter still offers a wealth of opportunity to build and engage with our customers. What makes Twitter such a great social selling platform? How can we use GIFs and Twitter chats to get more attention and build relationships? In this episode, marketing expert, Jay Busselle shares why we shouldn’t leave Twitter out of our marketing strategy.    Takeaways Twitter is the last platform where you don’t have to pay to get results with marketing.  Stats back up the fact that GIFs are an effective way to garner more attention. It's a fun way to share your personality and break through the noise. Participate in Twitter chats. Using the search tool on Twitter, you can search for chats using hashtags.  Don’t be too factual and data-driven on Twitter - be more emotional, humourous and relational. At the start of the show, Jay Busselle shared why promotional products boost marketing, and why people need to still be utilizing Twitter for building a business. We also talked about how we can use GIFs to make our marketing more impactful. We also talked about the importance of analytics.    We also discussed; How to use personalized GIFs The power of participating in Twitter chats  How to leverage Taco Tuesday on Twitter Guest Bio-  Jay Busselle is the Marketing Director at Equipment Zone. He is a marketing, brand and social selling expert, and founder of #promochat. For more information, visit or follow @JayBusselle.