Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

How to Dominate Your Real Estate Market With YouTube Videos w/Karin Carr

January 14, 2020

When it comes to publishing content, most of us are so much more focused on Facebook and Instagram, that we miss out on massive opportunities with YouTube. It’s a platform that can help real estate agents inexpensively generate leads and become more visible. How can we start creating quality content? What are some of the unique benefits we get from YouTube that we don’t get anywhere else? On today's episode, Realtor, YouTube superstar and bestselling author, Karin Carr shares a wealth of information on the brilliant systems she’s built to drive traffic, monetize and generate leads on YouTube.     3 Takeaways Spending 5-10 hours trying to edit one video to make it perfect takes time away from being face to face with clients. It’s better to pay someone to do it for us for $10 - $20 per hour so we can focus elsewhere.   If you’re filming YouTube videos on your phone, hold your phone in landscape not portrait. Unlike Facebook and Instagram, filming horizontally is best.    Make a YouTube video and embed it in your blog and then link the blog post in the description of your YouTube Video. You will be driving traffic both ways, which Google loves.    Guest Bio-  Karin Carr is a full-time Realtor in Savannah, Georgia, proud Air Force wife, and mom. She is a YouTuber whose superpower is training real estate agents to double their income by making free YouTube videos that attract their ideal clients.She works with real estate agents worldwide, both brand new to the business or just looking for a better, more enjoyable way to find new clients without cold calling. She also leads an online course for agents who are looking to take their businesses to the next level.   Karin is also the best selling author of YouTube for Real Estate Agents: Learn How to Get Free Real Estate Leads and NEVER Cold Call Again. Buy the book here.    Check out her YouTube channel here, and to learn more about Karin’s YouTube resources for Real Estate Agents, visit