Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

How to Bridge Our Online & Offline Marketing w/Alex Camelio

October 08, 2019

In this age of social media, technology and digital, it’s hard to imagine any offline marketing methods still being relevant to us today, but very often the offline makes the online more successful. What are the most effective types of offline marketing? How do we craft content that can generate leads? How do we choose the kind of marketing to invest our time and money in? On this episode, real estate and tech expert, Alex Camelio, discusses why agents shouldn’t count offline marketing out.   3 Takeaways Direct mail has become extremely effective for generating leads. The top performing type of direct mail is simple and not too salesy.  Don’t ask people to just mention you if real estate comes up. We should start connecting to life situations like someone getting married, having a baby or downsizing. When that reference point comes up, they will think of us.  Our marketing activity should be based on where we are in our real estate career.Early on, we have to fill our pipeline first, but down the line, we have to switch to lead nurturing.  Real estate agents and teams are seeing a lot of success with direct mail, and this trend isn’t as unique as we might think. Amazon has sent out direct mail pieces and have gotten great traction from it. Sending simple, informational pieces out into our database can actually help us connect with people, bring value to them and become the trusted entity they will want to talk to when a real estate need arises.