Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

How To Be A More Effective Storyteller w/Kyle Draper

October 01, 2019

Great content isn’t just about great visuals, it’s about resonance and the impact of the message. Real estate agents miss out on this and end up posting content that does nothing to connect with people. What is the real estate community getting wrong about storytelling, and how can we fix this? How do we craft content that people will respond to? On this episode, I’m joined by real estate marketing coach and storytelling expert, and NAR Conference speaker, Kyle Draper. We talk about how we can make our content better with simple changes to our strategy.   3 Takeaways Context is key to great storytelling. If we don’t share with people the journey and the struggle we went through to get to that moment, it won’t resonate.  Focus on talking about struggles, challenges and hurdles we’ve overcome. If we focus on our success, we alienate the majority of people.  When we go live on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube, we bypass the need for editing, which is something most of us struggle with. Our challenge with video content comes down to not liking what we look like or sound like, and not knowing what to say.    The difference between content that generate leads, views and tractions and the ones that don’t, is our ability to tell a story. What makes us good storytellers is the ability to add context to our content so that the audience understands why that moment is important to us. We also need to think of what people would respond to, and for the most part it’s not our success, it’s the things we’ve had to overcome. That’s how we make an unforgettable impact.