Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

How to Successfully Create a Process For Sales, Lead Follow Up and Conversion w/Wes Schaeffer

August 20, 2019

Real estate agents are so often focused on generating a lead that we never prepare for what happens after that lead comes in. Why do we have to map out the lead nurture and conversion process? How do we avoid talking ourselves out of a sale? How do we make sure our online and real life personas match up? On this episode, I talk to the Sales Whisperer, Wes Schaeffer. He shares why we need to map out our sales process and why. He also gives insights into how we can transform a chaotic system.   3 Takeaways Every transaction has a process, we need to think through it systematically so we can map them out ahead of time. It allows us to prepare for objections and create content that answers the consumer’s questions.  Be courteous in text messages and emails. If people don't like our tone or feel as though we belittled them, they will take a screenshot and put us on blast. Process before login. Before we go looking for a CRM, we need to map out our process, and what we need so that we can choose a system that fits our style and utilization. Our industry may be about relationships, but going the distance is about marrying the human connections with systems and processes. The most successful agents are informed and prepared, and that comes from anticipating the needs, questions and thoughts of our clients. Before going out and generating leads, trying to convert them, and paying for a CRM, we have to have our system mapped out ahead of time. If our process is streamlined, we’ll always have the ability to be the solution to the problem our clients have.