Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

How to Re-enter the Market, Refresh Your Database & Generate New Leads w/Genny Williams

August 06, 2019

New real estate agents and agents who are getting back into the market can be intimidated by trying to get their database together and generate those first leads. How can we leverage a small database to get business? How can we use that database to get some referrals going? What can we do to leverage video content? On this episode, I’m joined by agent and real estate coach, Genny Williams who shares on how she got back into sales after 10 years of coaching, and how she got the most out of a 48-person database.  Once you get into someone's world, you've got to make sure that you're training them to be an advocate for you. -Genny Williams     Takeaways Every small business owner should be training people to be foot soldiers who can be on the lookout for what fits our business.  If we're trying to get into a new marketplace, or get back into the game, joining the local Chamber of Commerce allows us to connect with like-minded business people. It will also give us some much needed exposure. The 3 points in the transaction to ask for a referral: when they love us the most, after the contract is signed, and a week after they move in.  Whether we’re new to the real estate game, coming back into the game or we’ve been in the game for a while, how we generate leads and business will never change. It’s all about the relationships we build and cultivate, and constantly being of value to the people we meet. Our ability to have conversations will always determine the quality of our business. Technology allows us to combine the personal touch we need to have, and the volumes that allow us to reach more people. The greatest asset we have as agents will always be our ability to build solid relationships with people.