Social Selling Made Simple

Social Selling Made Simple

How to Turn Your Business Into a Thriving Referral Machine w/Chad Durfee

July 16, 2019

Referrals are the most underutilized and underestimated ways for us to earn more money. What motivates referrals, and how do you make yourself more referable? How can we build referrals into every stage of the sales cycle? What are the biggest contributing factors when it comes to getting more referrals? On this episode, I’m joined by referral expert, Chad Durfee who shares how we can take our referral game to the next level. It’s all about understanding the psychology of what motivates people to refer and then building that into your systems and processes. -Chad Durfee     Four Takeaways The key contributing factors for referrals are trust, social proof, authority, scarcity, engagement, and commitment.  Don’t be POOR: Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly. Satisfied clients don’t refer, engaged clients do. We can engage clients by making them feel like they are part of our business.  Get people to sign up for an appointment through a calendar app. The simple act of people clicking on a time slot in a calendar app makes them 7 times more likely that they will show up and show up on time.  Referrals are so powerful that we can build a thriving business around them, and what’s great about them is that we have the ultimate control over our business, instead of paying for leads. Our clients want to refer us and all we have to do is help them along. We can do that by making sure we put value in the strategic points in our sales cycle, from courting them, all the way to the post-client experience. If you build a system for referrals, you will be able to multiply it and boost your business consistently.