Jacob Sotiris Audio Experience

Jacob Sotiris Audio Experience

Latest Episodes

Making the most of video in the dealership 2022
November 23, 2021

Thank you for listening!

3 reasons your dealership NEEDS digital skills to increase leads and sales!
November 26, 2020

Welcome to Motor Trade Mastery with Jacob Sotiris.

Video in Car Sales 2020/2021
October 04, 2020

With a world turning ever more digital, and our industry having to shift at a pace none of us could have anticipated. Is NOW the time for you to embrace digital and video?

The New Normal in Car Sales!!
May 29, 2020

What the heck happened?!

Coronavirus- The Positives in a Negative Situation
March 20, 2020

With the world looking very bleak for many right now. It's time to take a step back, breath and focus on what we CAN control. Double down on our strengths and come out of this thing stronger and more focused than ever before. This could be the worst thing

Why Being Uncomfortable Is GOOD For Progression
March 13, 2020

Stress and Uncomfortable aren't the words that initially spring to mind when we think of having a good life. But after a chat with my very good friend Harry Dempster, we came to the conclusion that without a little bit of stress, or feeling a little bit o

How did I get into Sales and Marketing?
March 11, 2020

Me, Myself and a Chinese. Join me on the way back home from the local chinese and listen to my journey into the motor industry and video.

Why Strangers Opinions Are Killing Your Sales Goals In 2020
February 25, 2020

Why, in 2020, do we still worry about the opinions of absolute strangers? And how can this little hand held device (our phone) have such a positive influence on our customers and colleagues? In today's podcast we deep dive into why we need to care a littl

Why Early Adopters in Sales Win! Part 1
February 22, 2020

The most famous YouTubers aren't necessarily the best YouTubers... they are the ones who were early to the platform and stuck at it until it became mainstream and accepted! It's the same with Sales in automotive. You don't have to be the best at sales and

Motivated By Money - Right Or Wrong In Sales
February 15, 2020

If anyone has ever told you that money doesn't buy you happiness, or that you shouldn't be motivated by money... well I have a message to them and you in this podcast. Let me know your thoughts on this subject
