The Smarter Sculpted Physique: Training | Nutrition | Muscle Gain | Fat Loss

The Smarter Sculpted Physique: Training | Nutrition | Muscle Gain | Fat Loss

Latest Episodes

SSP 146. Three Simple Ways to Optimize Metabolism
June 17, 2019

Scott presents the latest clinical research into the body’s internal clock and makes practical suggestions on how to apply it for optimized metabolism and better physique.

SSP 145. Some Basic Guidance for Healthy Nutrition, with Dr. Michael Greger
June 10, 2019

Physician and nutrition expert Dr. Michael Greger talks with Scott about his research and offers some basic truths about diet and nutrition.

SSP 144. Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men
April 22, 2019

Scott discusses the benefits of therapeutic testosterone replacement therapy, its effects, the symptoms it treats, and how it widely differs from stacked steroid usage.

SSP 144. Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men
April 22, 2019

Scott discusses the benefits of therapeutic testosterone replacement therapy, its effects, the symptoms it treats, and how it widely differs from stacked steroid usage.

SSP 143. Rattling Another Protein Myth
April 08, 2019

Think protein is the macronutrient that satisfies best? Think again. Scott shares peer-reviewed scientific research that says differently.

SSP 143. Rattling Another Protein Myth
April 08, 2019

Think protein is the macronutrient that satisfies best? Think again. Scott shares peer-reviewed scientific research that says differently.

SSP Special - Remembering Andy Sinclair
March 26, 2019

In a special episode, Scott pays tribute to the memory of his friend and protege, cover model Andy Sinclair.

SSP Special - Remembering Andy Sinclair
March 26, 2019

In a special episode, Scott pays tribute to the memory of his friend and protege, cover model Andy Sinclair.

SSP 142. Live Q&A with JC Santana
March 18, 2019

Scott and JC host a live Q&A session, fielding audience questions about exercise methods, biomechanics, the pros and cons of combining training methods, and the importance of recovery.

SSP 142. Live Q&A with JC Santana
March 18, 2019

Scott and JC host a live Q&A session, fielding audience questions about exercise methods, biomechanics, the pros and cons of combining training methods, and the importance of recovery.