Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting

Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting

97. Type 6 Mom (the Loyalist), Enneagram + Motherhood

February 02, 2021

Welcome to the Simple on Purpose Podcast! For moms on the go who want nuggets of information and encouragement that helps them live with more peace, purpose and presence in their daily lives. 

We are continuing with our series on the Enneagram and Motherhood where we hear from moms on what their motherhood experience is like through the lens of the Enneagram

This episode is about the Type 6 Mom, also called the Loyalist or the Skeptic. 


In this episode, I explain:

* The common traits of the Type 6
* Their need for support and guidance
* Their need for independence 
* Being a skeptic and slow to trust
* Being a loyalist and putting your faith in the others who have the answers
* Type 6 living in their own head, with the worst-case scenario and projected fears
* How the Type 6 reacts when things don't go their way
* Their stress response (fight, flight and freeze) when faced with FEAR
* Growth for the Type 6, and stress for the Type 6

We hear from two wonderful moms sharing their experience, thank you to Tiffany and Kristin!



Listen to the Intro Episode, rundown of the 9 types of the Enneagram

Ask any Enneagram questions in the Simple on Purpose Community Group

Book a consult call to learn about life coaching with the Enneagram

See all the episodes in this Enneagram and Motherhood Series

See all the Show Notes for the podcast episodes 



Hey friends it's Shawna, your nerdy girlfriend and life coach from simple and Welcome to this simple on purpose podcast.

For those of you who are new here, welcome. I am Shawna, I am a mom of three in small-town Canada. And I am a trained life coach who is passionate about helping moms show up for their lives show up Well. It is always my mission on every coaching call I have on every episode on everything I share, to help you look at your life in a little bit of a different way that brings you more peace, more purpose and more presence into your daily life. That is what I'm passionate about you showing up for your life and enjoying it because this is your life, you should enjoy it.

So we are continuing on with the enneagram series. And if you're not sure what the enneagram is head back a few episodes to the run through of the nine basic types. It's called What are your motives or something like that? what's motivating you I forget. So I have shared each type in their own episode. And on each episode, we have moms sharing what their motherhood experiences like through the lens of the enneagram.

So today, we are talking about the type six, the type six is known to be fearful. They're always thinking of the worst case scenario, they really live in their head with a lot of their fears and planning how to avoid them. And I think it can really be exhausting. When they're in their head like that some sixes also failed to see their real dangers of life, the real worst case scenarios, versus these mentally manufactured fears that kind of a runaway train that their brain can take them on.