Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting

Latest Episodes
209. What I hope you take away from the Simple on Purpose podcast (retirement party!)
Dearest listeners, today is the finale episode where I share with you my experience of the podcast, answer your questions and sum up the takeaways I hope you have had from listening to the podcast. E
208. Improve relationships with this simple tool (bids for connection)
Years ago I learned a simple tool that has improved all my relationships. This tool is about looking for the cues that others are giving us - and using those times to connect. They are called Bids For
207. Our judgements and assumptions of others (fundamental attribution bias and how it impacts our relationships)
We all make assumptions and judgments of others - but did you know there is a bias we have in our judgements? - This bias shows up in all of our relationships and it can create an opposition and divid
206. Finding peace through downsizing + decluttering the closet and shopping, with Renee Benes of the Unstuffed Podcast
When you think you need all the things and the dream home to be happy.... then you realize you need to shed the weight of 'stuff' and consumerism in order to find yourself and find peace. Renee Benes,
205. Finding balance through ‘ENOUGH’: motherhood, minimalism, self-worth, and personal growth
Our relationship to 'enough' can show up in all the areas of our life. Whether we struggle with discomfort, self-worth, setting limits, or offering ourselves more - we all can consider how the concept
204. Reframing BALANCE in motherhood and work life
The most common question I get is "how do you balance motherhood, life and work?". We are all seeking to have more balance in our daily lives and make sure we get everything done. In this episode, I
203. Being a mom who enjoys her life
There are seasons in life where we feel like we have lost ourselves, especially in motherhood. We might feel stuck and like we aren't enjoying our lives. I want to talk to how we can move 'away from p
202. Introducing the Life on Purpose Community Patreon
I am going to stop spreading myself thin across the internet, and I am launching a member community in Patreon called the Life on Purpose Community. I chose this name because I want one of the overall
201. Overcoming negative self-talk and to moving towards positive self-talk
Negative self-talk can our work-life balance or ability to manage parenting challenges. In this episode, Shawna Scafe, Counsellor and Coach, discusses how to identify common cognitive distortions and
200. Motherhood, decluttering, mindsets (the 200th episode, listener Ask Me Anything)
As a way to celebrate 200 episodes and 5 years together, I asked listeners for their questions on any topic. In this episode, I'm answering questions on the most important question to ask when declutt