Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting

Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting

78. Small things that can change your whole life (the compound effect)

October 28, 2020

Do small things has changed my whole life. 

Today I'm sharing how motherhood really brought me face to face with my own neediness and limiting beliefs that everything and everyone else was causing me problems. 

Becoming self-aware of how I had brought myself to this point in my own life made me realize I can't be my own solution. 

I needed God. I met God in my neediness and he showed me some hard truths on what needed changing. 

Because I didn't want to stay where I was, on autopilot. There was a lot of victimhood and resent and anxiety and poor health where I was - if I stayed there and kept the status quo I could see that my life in 2 . . . 5 . . . 10 years was not the life I wanted. 

But this isn't all a big bummer. I have something that can help you, something I learned on the way in TAKING ACTION to shift my life. 


A concept from Darren Hardy that tells us the little things we do, consistently, have a cumulative impact on our lives. Both the good habits the bad habits - they accumulate as the days pass. 

I will share with you about 10 SMALL THINGS I have worked on over the past 5 years that I feel have made my life so much better, and some of the things I'm working on this year. 

And if you are feeling like you are ready to pick one small thing and start it, I have some question to help you identify what that could be. 

Because our life is like a ship, we need to adjust it's course a little bit each day so we can end up pretty darn close to our destination. AND REMEMBER, you can only steer a ship that is moving - we need to take ACTION!


(Full episode transcript is at the bottom)
All the fun links to help you learn more . . . 
Homemaker, on Purpose (available from Amazon, or as an eBook)

Are you making motherhood harder than it needs to be (Episode 67 )

What are limiting beliefs and how they impact you (Episode 76)

Showing up for your future self (Episode 21)

Want to make a change, here are three tips to help you get good at it (Episode 70)

The Life on Purpose Workbook (available as a digital copy or from Amazon)

The Live Your Values + Live Your Vision worksheets (you can find both right here)

Apply here to learn more about the Life on Purpose 1:1 Coaching Program 

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