Silent Superheroes - Talking About Mental Health At Work

Latest Episodes
#25 Situational Depression With Taylor Comeau
Taylor Comeau ‘s retirement from professional soccer helped her realized mental health is as important as physical health. At the end of her she started experiencing situational depression and sought help from a therapist.
#24 Calming the Tornado of ADHD
From time to time, I get requests through LinkedIn from people I don’t know to go for coffee. I often decline but sometimes my curiosity kicks in and I say “Yes”. When I got Jim’s message, something piqued my interest, and I said Yes.
#23 Healing From Inherited Trauma – Being an Adult Child of an Alcoholic
Elizabeth has built a successful career in education but grew up in an alcoholic household and became an adult child of an alcoholic. In Silent Superheroes, we often hear about people’s personal battle with mental illness.
#22 How to manage employee mental health through Coronavirus
What happens to employee mental health when you add a global pandemic like Covid-19 / coronavirus to the usual stresses and strains of work and life? I sought out experts in workplace mental health field to get their advice.
#21 A psychiatrist, counselor and advocate walk into a podcast
In this episode of Silent Superheroes, we’re doing something a little bit different to mix things up. We’ll listen in on a conversation about mental illness at work between 3 people who work in the mental health field. Firstly,
#20 Finding Perspective, Bipolar and Alcoholism at Work
By day, Daniel is a sales manager at a credit card processing company and by night he’s a stand up comedian. Bipolar and alcoholism bring a unique perspective to Daniel’s work. As a stand up comedian, his life provides plenty of material,
#19 Garbage And Gas To A Mental Health Advocate – ADHD
Todd and his family identified his ADD fairly early in life. For a while, a regimen of medication helped him be a 4-point student. Then in 7th grade, a friend introduced him to marijuana. Todd decided he’d found a different way to manage ADD,
#18 A Monster, Saved By Her Knight In Shining Armor – Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Suicide
“I remember doing it, and I remember making the conscious effort. But it really wasn’t me … but it was me. It’s a really hard thing to explain.” Listen To Episode 18 Show Notes That was Shana, describing what she was feeling just after swallowing handf...
#17 My Boss Wants To Fire Me, PTSD And OCD At Work
Shana is an HR professional managing bipolar, PTSD, OCD and body dysmorphic disorder at work. On their own, any one of these conditions can be overwhelming. Managing all of them together should be an insurmountable obstacle,
Marnie’s Mental Health Management Masterclass
Marnie works at Expedia helping teams tell stories, which she describes as her dream job. Like me, Marnie lives with undiagnosed bipolar. She went through two marriages and divorces before an offhand comment in an acting class nudged her to explore he...