Silent Superheroes - Talking About Mental Health At Work

Latest Episodes
#35 It’s Time To Talk About Suicide
Olga is a Technical Program Manager at Expedia. She is originally from Venezuela and now lives in Montreal. Olga is also an active YouTuber with her channel Cronopio. Growing up in a Latino community with an alcoholic father and a stoic mother,
#34 Making Rap Music As Therapy
Dillon and Wesley are a rap duet who perform under the names Weslex and MySYN. Wesley and Dillon took different paths through life. Whereas Dillon was the broody kid a little withdrawn from others, writing poetry and coming from a broken home.
#33 When Learning Disabilities Become A Superpower – Anne’s Story
In college, choosing a major was challenging for Anne. Her challenge wasn’t because she was a feckless student unable to pick something and stick to it. It was because her undiagnosed learning disabilities made learning new subjects difficult.
#32 On Being Bipolar 1 With Stephen Hays
Stephen is the Founder and Managing Partner of “What If Ventures”. He is also the host of the Stigma podcast. Stephen has left a trail of destruction in his life due to undiagnosed bipolar 1. Three country clubs threw him out for being disruptive.
#31 Why am I bipolar?
Carrie started her career as a pastry chef in the United Kingdom. 30 years later, she’s a leader in the Ketogenic diet scene and the author of 5 popular Keto cookbooks including books on crock pot meals, soup and ice cream.
#30 Just Talk About It – Managing Anxiety and Depression
David is a former radio personality from Malta who is managing anxiety and depression. As an infant, David’s mother took him from Malta to Australia to start a new life. Unfortunately alcoholism and abuse followed them.
#29 Can You Climb The Ladder with Panic Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
Ruth is a successful businesswoman who lived, undiagnosed, with panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder for 20 years. One day, after a run-of-the-mill setback work, she found herself in her bath, contemplating suicide. The next day,
#28 Who am I beyond my illness? Rachel’s journey with anorexia
It’s a question that many people with chronic illnesses must face. Answering that question pulled Rachel back to living her life after four years of hospitalization. As a young teenager, she struggled to find her own identity and place in the world.
#27 The Flywheel of Mental Wellness
Jonathan Shooshani is the co-founder of HR tech company Joon, that makes it easy for employees to self direct their benefits. For HR and finance teams, Joon eliminates the administrative burden of physical and mental wellness initiatives.
#26 Doing The Hard Work – Panic Disorder, Anxiety and Depression
Andrew is the CEO of mental health startup Heard who are creating a trusted space for therapists. Becoming a CEO wasnt always on the cards for Andrew. Early in life, he was beset with panic disorde