Baha'i Sifter of Dust

Baha'i Sifter of Dust

The Oneness of Religion- Part 2

January 03, 2021

In this second part of our discussion of the Baha'i concept of the oneness of religion, we further outline the concept of progressive revelation and discuss it with assembled guests. We then address the concern raised by Christians that Christ is the only way to God, and the Muslim belief that the Prophet Muhammad is the "Seal of the Prophets" and the last Prophet that will come. How can we understand the scriptural passages that led to those beliefs in light of Baha'u'llah's claim to be bringing a new Revelation to all humanity? You can watch it on YouTube or listen to it directly below. The Sifter of Dust Podcast may also be found on all your typical podcast outlets. Enjoy!