Baha'i Sifter of Dust

Baha'i Sifter of Dust

Latest Episodes

Releasing Human Potential
June 29, 2021

In its truest form, religion is intended to release human potential and bring unity to the human family. In the last Tea House discussion, Suzan and David Gould explored what  form of education will e

Raising a Family to Bring Peace
May 25, 2021

In this Tea House discussion, Monette Van Lith led a discussion on how we can make our families the building blocks of a just and peaceful society. The family unit, the nucleus of human society, provides an environment within which essential capacities...

May 16, 2021

In a recent Tea House session, Chitra Golestani-Maghzi joined to present on the "Interconnected Elements of Social Change"- the idea that real change occurs with holistic changes in both human hearts and external conditions.

May 16, 2021

Enjoy our recent Tea House discussion with Karen Eshraghi on "Consultation- A Tool for Creative Problem Solving".  As the world becomes more complex, we need tools to help humans solve problems collaboratively and peacefully.

The Investigation of Truth
May 09, 2021

In this Tea House discussion, we were joined by Mr Mark Jolly to discuss the Baha'i concept of the independent investigation of truth- a fundamental and far-reaching concept. Please watch the full presentation on YouTube or link to the audio below.

What is Spiritual Growth?
April 05, 2021

What is spiritual growth?  What does it mean when we say that the purpose of life is to grow "spiritually"? We tackled this question in our most recent Tea House discussion. Have a listen and please join us for our future Tea House discussions. -

The Spiritual Path
February 27, 2021

In our last Tea House, Peter Gyulay joined us from Australia and discuss the nature of spiritual life and how we can follow a spiritual path. Peter is a Baha'i author, novelist, and teacher who has written several articles on bahaiteachings.

God and Math
February 21, 2021

Early mathematicians like Pythagoras were fascinated with the mystery of numbers and believed that they were the basis of the world, revering them with an almost mystical significance. As we have learned more about the world,

Introduction to Shoghi Effendi and the Universal House of Justice
February 21, 2021

As part the Tea House, we did three separate sessions introducing the major sources of the Baha'i Writings so that people new to those writings could have a road map to exploring them. The final introduction we did was on the writings of Shoghi Effendi...

Introduction to the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’
February 02, 2021

'Abdu'l-Baha' is of indescribable importance to the Revelation of Baha'u'llah and one of the most remarkable humans to ever live.  For anyone interested in life's most important questions, 'Abdu'l-Baha' is a friend, a guide, and a loving father.