Baha'i Sifter of Dust

Baha'i Sifter of Dust

Latest Episodes

The Oneness of Religion- Part 2
January 03, 2021

In this second part of our discussion of the Baha'i concept of the oneness of religion, we further outline the concept of progressive revelation and discuss it with assembled guests. We then address the concern raised by Christians that Christ is the o...

The Oneness of Religion- Part 1
January 03, 2021

In this first podcast of the weekly "Tea House" discussions hosted on Sifter of Dust, Dr Kendal Williams gives an informational presentation on the Baha'i concept of the Oneness of Religion. A primary theological concept in the Baha'i Faith is "progres...

Eye to Past Ages and Centuries- Part 2
July 07, 2020

In part 2 of the presentation of Baha'u'llah's foundational theological text- the Kitab-i-qan- Dr Williams describes how Baha'u'llah explained His theology within the context of the traditional beliefs of Christianity and Islam.

An Eye to Past Ages and Centuries
July 03, 2020

As a preparation for His own claim as a Messenger of God, Baha'u'llah revealed a remarkable work known as the Kitab-i-qan or Book of Certitude. It lays out the central theology of His Revelation- that of the fundamental oneness of religion and the onen...

The Hidden Words
June 26, 2020

One of the most important and significant texts in all of Baha'u'llah's Revelation is the Hidden Words.  Spoken with the Voice of God directly to the human soul, it is spiritually intimate while conveying words of astonishing power and beauty.

Introducing Baha’u’llah
January 25, 2020

In this latest presentation of the Foundations of the Revelation course, Dr Williams describes the early life of Baha'u'llah in Persia and his eventual imprisonment and exile from his native land. As the sun of the Bab's revelation set,

The Prophet of Shiraz- Part 3
December 16, 2019

In this final part of the discussion of the Writings and teachings of the Bab, Dr Williams highlights some of the very specific ways that the Bab prepared the people for the coming of Baha'u'llah.  Never in the history of humanity has a Messenger of Go...

The Prophet of Shiraz- Part 2
December 16, 2019

In Part 2 of the presentations on the life and theology of the Bab, Dr Williams presents the basic theological ideas that are found in His Writings. If we think of ourselves and all creation being like a painting and envision ourselves living in that p...

The Prophet of Shiraz- Part 1
December 12, 2019

As part of the Foundations of the Revelation course, we are posting the set of presentations delivered by Dr. Williams and focused on the history and teachings of the Bab.  The Bab's revelation is extraordinarily important,

How to Spread Your Religion
December 06, 2019

As part of the Foundation of the Revelation series, Dr. Williams presented two introductory lectures that explain the Baha'i teachings. In this second of the two- "How to Spread Your Religion"- Dr Williams highlights some of the unique features of Baha...