Baha'i Sifter of Dust

Baha'i Sifter of Dust

The Oneness of Religion- Part 1

January 03, 2021

In this first podcast of the weekly "Tea House" discussions hosted on Sifter of Dust, Dr Kendal Williams gives an informational presentation on the Baha'i concept of the Oneness of Religion. A primary theological concept in the Baha'i Faith is "progressive revelation", that the great religions of the world should be understood as part of one Faith that has unfolded throughout history as part of humanity's social and spiritual development. In this presentation, Dr Williams looks at the great religions of the world within their historical context and highlights how each built upon the teachings of those that came before. This sets the context to understand the Baha'i Faith as now representing the next step in the unfoldment of what is essentially one religion. The Sifter of Dust podcast may be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google podcasts and other outlets, or directly linked on Sifter of Dust. You can also watch the video version- with the accompanying slides- on YouTube.