Baha'i Sifter of Dust

Baha'i Sifter of Dust

An Eye to Past Ages and Centuries

July 03, 2020

As a preparation for His own claim as a Messenger of God, Baha'u'llah revealed a remarkable work known as the Kitab-i-qan or Book of Certitude. It lays out the central theology of His Revelation- that of the fundamental oneness of religion and the oneness of its various expressions in the revelations that have formed the great religions of humankind.  Dr Williams introduces this marvelous work in two parts. The first part is presented here, and it generally outlines the broad and universal theology of Baha'u'llah, which will act as an "eye to past ages and centuries", helping us understand the past and also our future. Part 1 is below and part 2 may be found here.

(Unfortunately, due to a malfunction in our recording device, the part 1  recording has a fair amount of "pops" in it, low base noises.  Dr Williams will re-record it in due time, with a pop filter to eliminate this effect.  In the meantime, we are posting this copy.)