Baha'i Sifter of Dust

Baha'i Sifter of Dust

What?!! A New Revelation?

November 05, 2019

The Foundations of the Revelation course is an series of audio presentations that introduce Baha'u'llah's revelation, starting from scratch.  It is intended to provide theological and historical context to the Baha'i Writings, most prominently the Writings of Baha'u'llah. In the presentations, Dr Kendal Williams will take you on a tour of Baha'i history and highlight the major themes of the Tablets and major works that Baha'u'llah revealed, in the context of their revelation.  The series starts with an introductory talk- "What?!! A New Revelation?"- which presents the Baha'i Faith for what it claims to be- a new revelation from God to all humanity.   Most of the presentations in the series are about 20-30 minutes long, except this first talk, which runs over 40 minutes.  It is longer because Dr Williams sets the stage for understanding Baha'u'llah by first giving an overview of the great religions of Christianity and Islam, as these two revelations are a good example of what a new divine revelation can mean for the world.We hope you enjoy the series!