Shannon the Faith Blogger

Shannon the Faith Blogger

Latest Episodes

Bringing you a WORD!
May 14, 2019

I’ve gotta preach something to you this morning. There IS another option besides religion: it’s called a relationship with Jesus and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.

Friended and Unfollowed.
May 14, 2019

Taking a social media break seems to be more fun than fasting. I urge you to jump on this bandwagon, but I totally get it if you can’t give up Instagram. I’m right there with you, friend.

Soapbox Prophet & Jesus Freak.
April 30, 2019

What kind of Christian are you? We are answering that question today on Shannon the Mommy Blogger: The Podcast.

Does this spark joy?
April 30, 2019

Minimalism and tidy sock drawers are just some things that spark joy for me. The main joy sparker in my life, though, is Jesus. I hope you find your joy in Him, too.

A bean-dip state of Grief.
January 25, 2019

We are talking grief and bean dip, people. No one can ever say I didn’t deliver the Good News of the Gospel with some flair now!

Unending Bravery.
January 23, 2019

Motherhood is the bravest thing I have EVER done. I’m guessing it is for you, too.

Everything you ever wanted to know about GOD.
January 23, 2019

A mini-testimony about how wonderful God is and how much He loves you. (And of course, the babies are in the background making all the noises!

Shifting and Trading.
January 21, 2019

It’s not easy to love your enemies and trade your yoke. But nothing worth having in life is easy.

Super Mama.
January 21, 2019

These are my Fighting Words.
January 18, 2019

Devil, this is my war cry. My kiddos even join in on the war cry a few times or two!