Shannon the Faith Blogger

Shannon the Faith Blogger

Latest Episodes

God is NOT racist. Are you?
August 19, 2019

There is only one answer to the problem behind racism: Find Peace with God. - Billy Graham

Podcasts to POTUS.
August 08, 2019

@realdonaldtrump didn’t read my blog, so now I’m giving him another platform to hear me on: my podcast.

Life is too short to be Lukewarm.
August 08, 2019

I’m not going to lie to you. I have fallen victim to trying to fit into the Instagram “Christian Mommy Blogger” filter. I post, and post, and blog and blog some more. But if I wasn’t leading you to the Father through it, it would just be a bunch of noise

Listen to God, Job.
August 06, 2019

Job’s story highlights a lot of bad days and bad breaks in his life. Which is sad, because Job was God’s guy: the guy who feared the Lord and lived by all of His commandments. If there was a college course in being a Christian, Job would have most certain

Light & Salty.
July 26, 2019

You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? - Matthew 5:13

A Mommy Blogger Pep Talk. *EXTRA EPISODE*
June 07, 2019

I’ve got a little extra dose of encouragement for you this week! Praying for you through whatever season God has you in. ♥️ He’s with you and He loves you.

Three Mundane Miracles.
June 07, 2019

Three seemingly mundane things to you are miraculous to me. Listen to me talk about these three things on this episode of STMB: The Podcast. ♥️

Confessions from a Target Parking Lot
June 07, 2019

Tell me I’m not the only one who breaks down in grocery store parking lots and praises God in storms I cause myself. If this sounds like you, I’ve got a word for you on the podcast today. ♥️

Pro-Life, Pro-Jesus, and Pro-Over it.
May 30, 2019

I choose to talk to you all throughout my podcast about the reckless love of Jesus Christ. This episode talks about what it means to be a Christian, and how politics should have no bearing on your relationship with the Father. You know, just a light Thurs
