Latest Episodes
#7 The First Rule of Fight Club is Please Just Don’t Mess Up My Borrowed Outfit
Why did Allison use Hall and Oates to scare a boy in 4th grade? Why did Rekha constantly get kicked out of class in junior high? Which one of us got into a West Side Story style brawl? What was the point of the 7Up classroom game?
#6 Remember When We Never Read Hamlet Together?
Allison has her cast off and got out of the house for some culture, and Rekha took a day off work and fled Seattle for the day. Also, we talk opera, dance, and the proper elements of farm tourism. Allison never finished her Hamlet paper as a teen and...
Allison demonstrates the longest hairstylist loyalty in history, while Rekha reveals the many ways hairstylists wield shame in their game. We weigh in on condiment mashup news, professional wrestling garb as it relates to the patriarchy,
Well, that was mortifying
Allison is in the doldrums of healing up, so we perk things up via thoroughly embarrassing ourselves. Y'all asked us why we didn't share who was on our Lists last week, so out comes the truth. Plus: Rekha explains what Michael Jackson armor is,
#3 Ali Luvs John 4evah
Allison's injury is messing up her shoe game, Rekha attempts to have a sports thought, and they both side-eye people who shit talk Flint. Also covered: the most Basic Bitch topic ever, the "Free Pass List." Allison uses it to express her John Cusack fe...
#2 J’accuse, chip bags, j’accuse
Allison is laid up but still able to tool around Costco, while Rekha saw Hamilton and has so many questions. They explain why Jamie Farr is super important, what a proper nutty doughnut is, and share a memory or two about the Flint Farmer's Market.
#1 Making 2018 Less Garbage
In our inaugural episode, we talk about why we are doing this podcast, why Allison's identity doesn't fit in a box, why The Rock should win an Oscar, why a new car means unlocking your door from a plane, why Boardroom portraiture is creepy af,