

Dealing with COVID-19 anxiety, Roo gets tested, and our biggest question: how long will this last? | Selfie Podcast Episode 120

March 18, 2020

In this episode, we move from our usual format to take a deeper dive into what’s happening with COVID-19 and how it’s affecting every aspect of our lives. If you’re worried, well, you’re not alone. We have an open and honest conversation about our fears of the future, one of us getting tested for COVID, and — for the sake of a moment of levity — apocalyptic grooming and the things that are keeping us sane.

Some stuff we currently can’t live without:

Suddenly Homeschooling?:

* Masterclass (my kids are loving this, it’s $15 for the whole family — KH)

Khan Academy (math and grammar and it’s free — KH & RP)
Dominoes (not for the traditional game; let them spend hours making domino runs; plenty of math, creativity, and physics involved! — RP)
Clipboards (print out some worksheets and a writing prompt, stick it individual clipboards, and let them work through those at the kitchen table — RP)

Apocalyptic Self-care

Cuticle butter (removed my gel nail polish myself, DIY nail care here on out — RP)
Emery boards 
Weleda Skin Food (with all of us washing our hands extra extra, it keeps my hands from feeling like sandpaper — RP)
At-home hair dye (COVID won’t catch me with roots — KH)
You are the Beloved by Henri Nouwen (a balm to my soul in these trying times — RP)

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Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash