
Latest Episodes
Self-Coaching weekly challenge: Changing neurotic perceptions
Im sure youll agree that changing neurotic perceptions characterized by excessive worrying fear or emotional hyper-reactivity is easier said than done. In order to change the way you perceive and th
Self-Coaching weekly challenge: Stop making mountains out of molehills
Ever notice how silly someone elses worry seems to you? How many times have you told someone to stop making mountains out of molehills? Unfortunately,// if worry has become your knee-jerk reflexive r
Self-Coaching weekly challenge: Injecting hope into your day
In everyones life there are challenges, some big, some small. When faced with adversity, hope can help us weather our storms. What exactly is hope? Theres no doubt that hope involves our emotions, b
Self-Coaching Weekly Challenge: prescription for having a great day
In this Self-Coaching podcast, Im introducing a new format: weekly Self-Coaching challenges. My intention is to provide bite-sized, motivational instructions that can be practiced each week to enhanc
Don’t let pessimism con you
Todays Self-Coaching episode addresses the crucial role that optimism and pessimism have on your liberation from emotional struggle. Although Ill be talking about optimism in next weeks podcast, I
Responsive Living: your key to ending emotional struggle
Perhaps the best way to describe Responsive Living would be the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) phrase Let go, let god. The simplicity of this adage may escape you,// but trust me, its quite profound. In A
Mind-Talk: Envisioning–Releasing yourself from struggle
Releasing yourself from struggle Youve heard it said that a picture is worth a thousand words. When you get caught up in the incessant chatter of insecurity-driven thinking, having a simple pi
Doing something by doing nothing—how to stop neurotic thinking
How exactly do you stop allowing yourself to be manipulated by neurotic thinking? The simple answer to this question is best summed up by something my grandmother was fond of saying: You cant stop a
Mind-Talk Step 1: critically observing your thoughts
If you do nothing about your thinking, nothing will change. If you do something about your thinking, you will change. In this Self-Coaching podcast, I will introduce you to the first of four steps
Mind-Talk preparation—how the unconscious contaminates our thinking
Its critical for you to understand that when it comes to your awareness, your conscious thoughts are not alone. With conscious awareness, you can, for example, be totally conscious and aware of your