Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

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Second Date Update: Paint The Baby Room
January 13, 2022

The woman on the phone with us for today's Second Date said her night included someone going into LABOR, and it actually led to a fun night anyway?

Second Date Update: Roofer Madness
January 12, 2022

Meeting someone at a coffee shop in broad daylight should be a totally normal date... But for the guy on the phone, it was one he doesn't remember. He only has some recollection of what happened and n

Second Date Update: Dirty Baby Bowling
January 11, 2022

The guy on the phone for a Second Date actually met a nice girl out in the real world and all it took was for him to severely injure himself! If only it was this easy to get a date ALL the time!

Second Date Update: Bad Boy or Just Boy
January 10, 2022

If you're on a date and the guy says he has a surprise for you in his coat pocket...Do you immediately think weapon... or two pouches of warm liquid? Well, one of those was the right answer

Second Date Update: Long Distance Surprise
January 07, 2022

What do you do if your perfect match lives 500 miles away? You fly to meet them for your first date! At least, that's what one of our listeners did...He hopped on a plane… And now he's going to hop on

Second Date Update UPDATE: Drunkards and Dragons
January 06, 2022

We had a couple on the show a few months ago who met playing Dungeons and Dragons...It was a first for us, but they agreed to go out again and are back with updates for us!

Second Date Update: Adult Swim Lessons
January 06, 2022

It's a tale as old as time: Guy meets girl at adult swimming lessons, and they agree to go out on a date. But once the safety and security of water wings are out the window, can Jay keep the date on t

Second Date Update: Standup Funny Man
January 05, 2022

Every once in a while we have someone on the show that is so unique they're unforgettable... And today is one of those days. We are so excited for you to meet Harold!

Second Date Update: Timing is Everything
January 04, 2022

In today's Second Date we learned that all you need is 57 minutes to either MAKE or BREAK a date...And we're helping our listener find out how his night went so wrong in under an hour!

Second Date Update: Fist Fight Mayhem
January 03, 2022

Wouldn’t it be nice if dating apps told you honestly just how weird your date actually is before meeting? The person in today’s Second Date thought she found a normal guy but as the night went on, the