Scott LaPierre Ministries

Scott LaPierre Ministries

Why We Must Strive to Enter Through the Narrow Door (Luke 13:22-24)

October 03, 2021

Jesus said, “Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able” (Luke 13:24). There is probably an obvious question you are asking. It’s the same question I asked when reading these verses and I looked forward to studying them to learn the answer. Jesus says we are supposed to strive to enter through the narrow door, so does that mean we get to heaven by trying hard enough? It almost sounds like:

* If we put forth enough effort we will be saved* If we don’t put forth enough effort we will go to hell.

But this isn’t true because we know we are saved by grace through faith and not by works. No matter how hard we try we could never save ourselves. So how do we explain this? Why is striving required to enter through the narrow door? Check out this message for the answer.
Jesus said, “Strive to enter through the narrow door” (Luke 13:24). Why is striving required to enter? Check out this message for the answer.

Table of contents* Family Worship Guide* Sermon Notes* Lesson One: Many people will not be able to enter through the narrow door.* Lesson Two: There has always only been a remnant.* Lesson Three: Striving is required to enter through the narrow door because (part one) the door is narrow.* Lesson Three: Striving is required to enter through the narrow door because (part two) of pride.* Lesson Three: Striving is required to enter through the narrow door because (part three) we love sin.* Lesson Four: We should be thankful if we have entered through the narrow door.

Family Worship Guide

Directions: Read the verses and then answer the questions:

* Day 1: Luke 13:22-24, Matthew 7:13-14—Why do you think Jesus didn’t answer the man’s question with the word yes or no? What does the narrow door represent? What question did Jesus encourage the man to ask himself? Why do you think many people will not be able to enter through the narrow door?* Day 2: Romans 9:27, 11:5, John 14:6, Acts 4:12—What is a remnant? Why do you think there has always only been a remnant? Can you think of other examples from Scripture of times there was only a remnant? Why must we strive to enter the narrow door? What does it look like to strive to enter through the narrow door?* Day 3: Luke 13:20-21, 18:9, John 3:19—How does pride keep us from entering the narrow door? Although we are not saved by works, what is required to be saved? What is agape? How is agape different than other forms of love? Why do we love sin unconditionally and sacrificially regardless of the consequences? How should we feel if we are able to enter through the narrow door?

Sermon Notes

The title of this morning’s sermon is, “Why We Must Strive to Enter Through the Narrow Door.”

On Sunday mornings we’re working our way through Luke’s gospel verse by verse and we find ourselves at chapter 13,