Scattered, Focused, Done — Reimagining Productivity with ADHD

Scattered, Focused, Done — Reimagining Productivity with ADHD

ADHD Adults Who Use These 2 Techniques Don’t Get Hooked by Their Thoughts

October 18, 2021

Thoughts can either help or hinder ADHD adults. Use these 2 tips to make sure your thoughts don’t get in the way of reaching your goals

* Getting hooked by your thoughts may get in the way of doing what’s important to you.
* You can’t get rid of your thoughts.
* You can defuse them.
* Try the 4 questions and turnaround strategy by Byron Katie as well as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy techniques to not get hooked by your thoughts.

Loving What Is by Byron Katie
The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris (based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
The Work, Byron Katie
The Happiness Trap, Russ Harris (based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
What were you thinking just before you started listening to this podcast? Were those thoughts helpful, serving you in some way? Or could they have been getting in the way of doing what’s important to you?
You’ve tuned into Scattered, Focused, Done – Reimagining Productivity with ADHD, a podcast for ADHD, adults, like you, who want to learn how to adopt the best strategies, tools, and skills, to be able to get your essential work done in a way that works with the way your brain is wired. I’m Marla Cummins, and I’m glad you decided to join me today on this journey to re-imagining productivity with ADHD. So you can get what is important to you done and be who you want to be without trying to do it like everyone else.
When you think about your ADHD related challenges, you likely first think of your need to get better organized follow through on your commitments, control your emotions, communicate better, et cetera, right? True. When it comes to managing your ADHD, you likely need to upgrade your skills, learn new strategies and adopt new tools in these areas and others. But there’s another area that can help or hinder you in managing your ADHD that you probably haven’t given enough consideration to upgrading. And that is your thoughts.
As these thoughts, as you know, create your reality and maybe a result of internalized beliefs you have from growing into adulthood with ADHD. But really how often do you ponder how your thinking impacts your ability to be successful? That’s what I’m going to invite you to do as you listen to this episode. Because, as you know, you really should not believe everything you think. Yes, I know you’ve heard this before.
But because your thoughts could either help or hinder you in reaching your goals, it’s especially important for ADHD adults to consider. And alter their thought patterns, if need be to be able to reach their goals successfully. So let’s get on with it.
The first step is to remember your thoughts are really just words, sensations, and images, not reality. But when you take them as reality, fuse with them, they can cause you pain. Yet, this episode is not about helping you get rid of your thoughts. You can’t do that. Just like you can’t stop thinking about the pink elephant in the middle of the room. Right. Rather, my goal is to help you learn how to lessen the impact of your thoughts. So you can take effective action, which is to act in alignment with your values and goals.