Scattered, Focused, Done — Reimagining Productivity with ADHD

Latest Episodes
Stop Wasting Time With ADHD
DESCRIPTION: Learn strategies to stop wasting time. RESOURCES: Blog: TRANSCRIPT: (00:00): Are you ready to stop wasting time? Youve tuned into Scattered Focused Done Re-Imagining Productivity with AD
Self-Compassion, Productivity and ADHD
DESCRIPTION: Because your goal is not just to get to the finish line, get stuff done. But you also want to feel less stress and overwhelm along the way, right? And, without self-compassion, your exper
How To Prioritize With ADHD
Transcript (00:00): Find it hard to prioritize when everything seems important, but theres only one of you and just not enough time. Youve tuned into Scattered Focused, done Re-Imagining Productivit
Making Changes With ADHD
DESCRIPTION: The first step is acknowledging what stage of change you are in as this clarity will help you decide what you need to do, or in some cases, what you dont need to do. Carlo DiClemente and
Self-Esteem and ADHD
DESCRIPTION: Self-esteem is key to succeeding with ADHD. Follow these steps to improve your self esteem and self-confidence. KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: Blog: ADHD and Time, 4 Steps to Getting Places on
8 Strategies For Better Execution With ADHD
DESCRIPTION: Starting and executing is hard for ADHD Adults. Here are 8 strategies to make it easier. KEY TAKEAWAYS: Answers to these question can help you execute better: RESOURCES: Blog Posts TRANSC
How To Manange Rumination With ADHD
DESCRIPTION: Rumination can take a lot of time and energy unless you know how to counter it. Here are some strategies to help you manage it. KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: Book: Writing to Heal by James Pe
How To Use Self-Talk To Reach Your Goals
DESCRIPTION: The self-talk you use affects your thoughts and feelings and can guide your actions. The question is, is it positive or negative? KEY TAKEAWAYS: TRANSCRIPT: (00:01): The self-talk you use
Managing Sleep With ADHD
DESCRIPTION: Sleep is important to your health and can affect your ADHD symptoms. Learn how to sleep better with these tips. KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: Website: Sleep Foundation Sleep App: Sleep Cycle
Tips For Managing Worry and ADHD
DESCRIPTION: Too much worry comes at a cost. Here are the techniques you can use to put your worry to work so you can manage it. KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: TRANSCRIPT: (00:00): Do you ever feel like yo