The Save The Marriage Podcast

The Save The Marriage Podcast

The Path is to WE

July 31, 2024

My approach is the 3C approach to saving your marriage.  The 3C's are C-onnect, C-hange, and C-reate.  Connect with your spouse.  Change yourself.  Create a new path.

The first two may be more obvious... but still missed by many people.  Relationships are grown by connection, and harmed by a lack of connection.  We grow personally, when we change... and stagnate when we don't.  But that path to create.  Where to??

I recently got an email that asked just that:  "What is the path I am building?  Where to??"

While I thought I had been clear with that, the email is a reminder that perhaps I had not been so clear.

So, let me be clear.  You are creating a new path... building a path... to WE. This is the deep and profound understanding that you and your spouse are becoming a unit, a team.  A WE.  As in, "We are in this together," "We are a team," "We stand together through thick and thin."

But, since I want to be super-clear about this, I thought I would do a deep-dive in this episode of my podcast.

You can listen below.


The Immutable Laws of Living
Book:  3 Simple Steps to Saving Your Marriage
Save The Marriage System