The Save The Marriage Podcast

The Save The Marriage Podcast

How to Get Help for Your Marriage… and Mistakes To Avoid

February 28, 2024

Your marriage is in trouble, and you know you need help. But what type of help?  And how do you know if it is the right help for your marriage?  Tough question.  And I can't answer it.

But I can help you get the answer.

I created a guide to help you find the best help, whether it is therapy, coaching, a retreat or workshop, or an online course.  I tell you the pros and cons of each, along with the ways to find the right fit for you and your spouse.

In this podcast, I do tell you how to grab that resource.  But more importantly, I tell you about four big mistakes people make... even before they get started with getting help.  These mistakes can cost you the possibility of even utilizing help.  At the very least, they make the process more difficult, and they make your spouse even more resistant.

Let's cover the mistakes and get my report to you, so that you can find, get, and use the best help in saving your marriage.

Listen below.

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