Saints Unscripted

Saints Unscripted

Latest Episodes

Can Mormons Work on Sunday??
October 18, 2019

The Bible and the Book of Mormon both emphasis the importance of keeping the Sabbath day holy. Of the ten commandments, number four in Exodus 20:8-11 says, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (ot

What Do Mormons Struggle With?
October 16, 2019

Saints Unscripted open up about their own weaknesses and short comings. Do our weaknesses define us or limit our potential?  Check out Justin, Kwaku and Mimi, stars of the hit new YouTube show “3 Mormons” discuss Mormon weaknesses and share opinions

Who is your soulmate???
October 14, 2019

Poetic Kate (check her out on Twitter-- she's HILARIOUS) joined us to talk about soul mates. Do we have soul mates? Is there such thing as 'the one'? And if so, how do we find them?   Elder Uchtdorf and President Kimball have both said that "the

My Mom joined the MORMON Church!
October 11, 2019

Guess what? Mimi's mom is a Mormon convert! That is right, not all Mormons are born Mormon. Mimi invited her mom to come on the show with us to talk about her conversion story and how she came to find the church.  Mimi’s mom (Pam) talks to us about h

FIRST TIME in a Mormon Temple!
October 09, 2019

Today we had the great privilege of filming with Kelsey Edwards, a musician, model, and actress! Kelsey came on the show to talk about what to expect when going through a Mormon temple for the first time. Scroll down for the links to her awesome projects.

When You Have an Unsupportive Family...
October 07, 2019

We get this question more than ANY OTHER: "What do I do if my family is unsupportive of my decision to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?" (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has often been abbreviated as the 'L

UNUSUAL Facts About Mormon Prophets
October 04, 2019

Most days, we try to provide episodes that will help explain Mormon doctrine (doctrine from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). But every once in awhile, we release a totally random, slightly strange episode. And that's what you're getting t

Doubt, Fear, Anxiety
October 02, 2019

Have you ever had doubt? Have you ever had extreme fear? Or have you ever had anxiety? Well, you are not alone. These things are growing to be ever more common is this day and age.   3 Mormons, along with Rosemary Card, talk about doubt, fear, a

What is a Patriarchal Blessing?
September 30, 2019

In this episode, we had the great privilege of interviewing Patriarch Mourik, an ordained Patriarch in the LDS Church! Patriarchs are ordained to give patriarchal blessings to the people in their region. Brother Mourik has been a patriarch for a very long

Are R-rated Movies Bad?
September 27, 2019

Have you ever heard that Mormons cannot watch rated R movies? Where did that come from? What is the truth? Watch this week's episode as we dive into the topic of rated R movies with a mormon perspective!