Saints Unscripted

Saints Unscripted

Latest Episodes

What is Mormon Fasting?
November 11, 2019

On the first Sunday of every month (with some exceptions), the LDS Church holds a 'fast.' To fast is to go without something for a period of time. In the Mormon Church, "fasting" typically refers to giving up food and water for a 24-hour period (or for 2

No, I’m Not Trying to Convert You…
November 08, 2019

You know when you love something SO MUCH that you want to share it with everyone? You know how religion is one of the most debated topics in history? Well what do you do when you want to share your religion with your friends but don’t want to lose your fr

How do I know if I'm Worthy?
November 06, 2019

In the Church of Jesus Christ (often called the Mormon Church), there are a lot of ideas about worthiness. The Church even has leaders conduct "worthiness interviews" that are intended to help members of the Church be worthy to enter the temple. Further,

Do Mormons Worship a Different Jesus?
November 04, 2019

Do Mormons worship a different Jesus than the rest of Christianity? Welllll... This isn't an easy question to answer. Mormons believe in the Jesus Christ that came to earth as the Savior of the world. We believe in the Jesus that died on the cross, that s

Nude Art vs Pornography
November 01, 2019

The Mormon Church has long emphasized the dangers of pornography. But what is pornography? Are images, pictures, and other depictions of nudity included under the pornography umbrella?   In today's episode, we talk about the importance of unders

How Should Mormons Celebrate Halloween?
October 30, 2019

Saints Unscripted discuss what is appropriate for Mormons to do and wear for the Halloween season and also do hilarious impressions. Check it out!   Shelley doesn’t think that it should be such a big deal that when this time of the year rolls ar

Can Mormons Have Tattoos? | Interview with Al Fox
October 28, 2019

Mormons are discouraged from getting tattoos. But what if you join the Church when you already have tattoos? And what if you get a tattoo while you're a member of the Church? Will God look at you differently if you have tattoos?   Al Fox has bee

Why Do Mormons Love Dead People?
October 25, 2019

Whether or not you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church or the LDS Church), you might have noticed something interesting… members of the Church seem to be OBSESSED with the dead. They perfor

Are Mormons A CULT?!
October 23, 2019

Mormons have been called a cult for a LONG time. But is Mormonism actually a cult? Well, you might be surprised...   We gave Saints Unscripted a list of definitions of 'cult' that we found online. They were not informed of the definitions before

Is Conversion Different Than Testimony??
October 21, 2019

Today we talk about the difference between testimony and conversion. Many people use the two interchangeably but there IS A DIFFERENCE!   Kwaku explains that the difference between having a testimony and being converted is that someone can have