Mornings From The Cabin

Mornings From The Cabin

Latest Episodes

Ep. 98: The ONE question that has no cookie-cutter answer
January 25, 2021

In this episode I talk about THE most common question asked about video projects. Videographers aren't trying to be evasive when they can't answer this question right away. That's because every projec

Ep. 97: The big difference: Partners, not customers
December 11, 2020

The year 2020 has been all about gaining new perspectives. Limited time sales and promotions seemed so gimmicky. Something more was needed in such challenging times. So I did something that was the opposite of what so many small businesses did during the.

Ep. 96: Why Having (And Knowing) Your Niche Really Matters
November 03, 2020

Of all the things that have helped my business, knowing my niche and target market have been the biggest assets to creating career momentum and growth. It has helped build credibility, trust and authenticity within that specific markets. And most importa.

Ep. 95: The Social Media Trap For Creatives
September 12, 2020

We've all seen those kinds of so-called "creatives" that say in their Facebook bios they are full-time professional photographers or whatever. But look at the volume of photos or videos they post almost every other hour every day on Facebook and the obvi.

#94: Why YouTube Makes You Smarter At Using Social
August 07, 2020

For the past two years I've been building a personalized YouTube channel all about helping new filmmakers and videographers. This podcast episode is about the amazing lessons learned growing a channel and why I think YouTube makes you better and smarter .

#93: Being a Creative During The Pandemic
July 19, 2020

A pandemic is certainly a challenging time for creatives. But those of who us who have adapted and continued to serve customers, even in smaller ways, will look back and see this time as success. Maybe not in terms of income generated. But in terms of ke.

#92: Real Is Better Than Perfect (I will explain!)
July 10, 2020

Unstaged. Unscripted. Two words that strike fear into the hearts of many communications professionals. But really, if you want to resonate as authentic and real, being unstaged and unscripted is powerful for not only being viewed as more genuine but also.

#91: Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
June 09, 2020

It's easy to look at someone else and want to be like them, have the same success as they apparently have, do the same kind of work, and measure your own progress based on them. The entire trouble is, doing this will usually only cause you nothing but de.

#90: Swerving and adapting thanks to Covid19
May 29, 2020

Just like you, Covid19 has me reflecting on so many things, including my business. It has been a time of reflection, re-examining goals and dreams and...... yes, services. I feel that I have gained way more clarity over these past few months. I feel that.

#89: Innovative or Behind-The-Times?
April 04, 2020

Now is a kind of a gut-check for every community out there. As Coronavirus impacts nonprofits, groups, downtowns, and organizations, it's interesting to see the growing divide that's now being exposed: Some are being innovative and rethinking how they ca.