Running Pastor

Running Pastor

Latest Episodes

Are Christian faith and Academic reason incompatible
May 16, 2019

For far too long far too many have thought this to be the case, enter the area of Christian thought/study known as apologetics. What is this, what does it do, and how does it work to show the amazing compatibility of science, reason, logic, and the Holy S

Genesis 2, God's Delicate Design
May 14, 2019

We look in Genesis 2 to see how God's love and care is seen in the creation of Adam, of Eve, and of all people. We also see His love in His authority, and in the creation of the family.

Genesis 1, The Beginning of All Things
May 05, 2019

We began a new series Sunday morning, working our way through the first part of Genesis. We saw: Who the Creator is, what He created, how He created it, and why He created it.

Bro. Dusty, Joshua 7
April 30, 2019

On Sunday evening Bro. Dusty took us to Joshua 7 to see what took place after the fall of Jericho. Specifically looking at the sin of Achan and it's results on the people and leaders of Israel.

What Now?
April 29, 2019

We finished our Easter series by answering this question. Now that Easter is over what do we do? Thankfully Jesus was very clear in Matthew 28:16-20 as to what we should do with this amazing Good News that we have!

Easter Sunday Why the Ressurection is Important
April 21, 2019

On Easter Sunday we celebrate Christ's resurrection by looking in 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 to be reminded of why it is important in the big picture, and also to us individually.

Q&A dinosaurs, 1 Corinthians 5:5, Jonah
April 16, 2019

Another Sunday night Q&A Session where Bro. Zach answers questions about a text from 1 Corinthians and church discipline, about whether or not the existence of dinosaurs disproves the Biblical account of creation, and about Jonah's mental place in Ch.

Jesus' death shows us God's Love
April 14, 2019

We look at Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus, especially John 3:16, to see our need for new life that only comes through Jesus. We also see how Jesus' sacrifice to offer this shows us God's love.

"Take up your cross and follow Me"
April 07, 2019

As we examine Matthew 16:24-28 we see what this probably sounded like to the disciples that originally heard it, and how that helps to inform us of its deeper meaning. We also see why we would be willing to do such a thing.

Chris Gray from Zaccheus Tree Orphan Ministry
March 31, 2019

Bro. Chris was with us to tell us about adoption, both physical and temporal. He shared about our spiritual adoption into God's family, about his families process of adopting, as well as ways that we can support adopting and fostering families!