Running Pastor

Running Pastor

Latest Episodes

God's Covenant To Noah
July 24, 2019

In Genesis 9 we see the covenant that God made with Noah, but in Ch. 8 we see why God decided to make this covenant. We also see 3 specific things about covenants through this promise God made to Noah.

Divine Judgment and How to Escape It
July 07, 2019

As we look in Genesis 6, 7, and 8 we see the account of Noah and the great flood. We also see a picture that spans throughout all of history about guilt, punishment, and grace through faith.

All Scripture Points To Christ
July 01, 2019

Today we look in Genesis 4 and 5 and see a direct correlation from Adam to Christ. We also see how we pass down more than genetics to our children, and how you aren't necessarily who your parents are!

Are you anxious about change?
June 29, 2019

As we look toward a possible change at Mt. Zion Baptist Bro. Zach takes us for a brief look at Isaiah 46 where the Israelites were in a position of angst and worry and shows us what God says to them.

Q&A With Personnel Committee/Lauren Smith
June 20, 2019

Wednesday night we had a Q&A for church members to be more informed and prepared to vote on this coming Sunday (June 23rd) on the motion to approve Lauren Smith as our Bi-Vocational, Interim Children's Director.

The Forgiving Father
June 17, 2019

We look in Luke 15 to see the parable normally called "The Prodigal Son," but instead spend more time looking at "The Forgiving Father." Great reminder of His mercy shown to us in salvation, and great example for all fathers!

Cain and Abel's Sacrifices
June 16, 2019

This is the Wednesday night follow-up message to Genesis 4 where we look in the Scriptures to answer the question "why did God accept Abel's offering and not Cain's?"

Be On Guard
June 12, 2019

In Genesis 4 (Account of Cain and Abel) we see a great reminder of the nature of sin, of how close we are to slipping into it's terrible grasp, the consequences of it, and also the mercy of God!

Know Your Enemy
May 26, 2019

As we look back in Genesis 3 to see who the serpent is we also see how he operates, how we can withstand him, and how he is ultimately defeated by Christ!

Genesis 3; The Fall
May 19, 2019

The first of two weeks looking at Genesis 3. In this episode we see: 1. The first sin 2. The consequences of sin 3. How God redeems us from sin.