The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Latest Episodes

Only War – Severan Dominate Episode 10
March 09, 2018

We’re getting dragged down into this planet, for decades maybe. And for what? It’s like fighting someone over an empty bag of recaf – nothing but tunnels and spite left on the surface. We have better places to fight. So let’s end this.

Correction on Only War
March 07, 2018

There was a small posting error in the last episode of Severan Dominate.  Please redownload that episode and find the previous one posted up this week.  Our apologies.

Dungeons and Dragons – Curse of Innistrahd Episode 22
March 02, 2018

Dressed in red and black finery the cost of multiple men’s lives, Strephan Maurer idly sips at a goblet of wine and eyes the sky with a placid face. The peace was a practiced neutrality, holding back a steady tension with gossamer and decorum.

Only War – Severan Dominate Episode 9.5
February 23, 2018

”My Aetherian Rex boys’ll be on the motivational bills soon, just you watch. And judging by the mission report, they’re rubbing off on those bone-totin’ ferals as well. Emperor bless ’em.” -Private Notes of Lt. Heston Rhodes.

Dungeons and Dragons – Curse of Innistrahd Episode 21
February 16, 2018

It was years ago that the Abbess, still tall and fair, came to reside in the confines of Krezk. The abbey had been there almost as long as she could remember, a cloistered building of of bone white, it’s graying walls visibly darkening against the fres...

Only War – Severan Dominate Episode 9
February 09, 2018

Your parents gave everything they had to serve the Emperor, and you will not – I repeat, will not – dishonor them or their memory by doing any less. You will be purified through prayer. You will be hardened by training. Sharpened by study.

Dungeons and Dragons – Curse of Innistrahd Episode 20
February 02, 2018

It was on a cold day, filled with slowly falling snow that we see Baron Krezkov. Bald on top with his earth brown skin and wiry ring of white hair he was resolute, a dark spot amongst the pale ground. He was kneeling with a face so stony if appeared ca...

Only War – Severan Dominate Episode 8
January 26, 2018

You shall cross many sunsets, make new journeys for yourselves on metal birds across the emptiness behind the stars. All for the safety of men and women we shall never see. You are the Drakon’s Teeth, and your enemies lie in pieces before you.

Dungeons and Dragons – Curse of Innistrahd Episode 19
January 19, 2018

The angels were gone. Not that they were ever particularly present here in the fog occluded black cliffs of Stensia. But there was a time where the cloud white wings navigated the spired mountains to the awe of the hardened folks below.

Only War – Severan Dominate Episode 7
January 12, 2018

Care of members of the Homo Sapiens Gigantus subgenus must be undertaken with some delicacy. Normally, this robust cousin of mainline humanity does not require much medical care as such – their hardy physiology renders light injuries or minor pre-exist...