The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Latest Episodes

Dungeons and Dragons – Curse of Innistrahd Episode 18
January 05, 2018

Death is not a mystery. Not exactly. The people of Innistrad welcomed its inevitability, the idea of a freedom and reprieve. But yet they feared that fall, that curtain keeping them apart as the rest drew close. And who can blame them dear listener?

Only War – Severan Dominate Episode 6
December 22, 2017

What a dull post. A good bit of skullduggery at the start, but we’ve spent the last week ferrying supplies to some spoked-out cogboy that knows he’s got us by the painful bits. As ever, may Throne deliver us from the attentions of our “betters.

Dungeons and Dragons – Curse of Innistrahd Episode 17
December 15, 2017

Excerpt from the Writings of Cathar Dragomir: “This is it. This is the end. Death was… Welcome. It felt wrong to view it as so. But that sleep we are promised, a peace unknown to the living was never so beloved until I had it.

Only War – Severan Dominate Episode 5
December 08, 2017

What a fascinating planet. All rules regarding conventional geology, ignored. And yet neither side could possibly be aware of these anomalies, to say nothing of the embarassing fumbling of greenskin “meks.” Cogitator core five assigned to analysis of I...

Dungeons and Dragons – Curse of Innistrahd Episode 16
December 01, 2017

Rest was a luxury. It wasn’t something you idly did, a section of day carved out to doing very little. In the towns the workers drank themselves to nothing to forget the rest of their worries. On the road it was a time of paranoia and focus,

MaOCT – Nightlight Harbor at Gen Con 2017
November 20, 2017

It’s a Friday night for Anthony Redhorn, Doug Price, and Alpha Torres.  In their circle, that means it’s time to pop up some fresh hot corn and pop an awful film into the DVD player.  Tonight’s movie is something Anthony special ordered from the web a ...

Only War – Severan Dominate Episode 4
November 17, 2017

You try making something even approaching tasty with this Emperor-forsaken mold. I don’t care that there’s a planet full of it – nothing kills morale quite like a bowl full of green, flavorless paste at the end of the day.

Dungeons and Dragons – Curse of Innistrahd Episode 15
November 10, 2017

It was tiring waiting that long. Strephan Maurer ponderously set his chin in his hands on another tired day. Progress was stilted. The land remained clutched in his elegant grasp, the fools in the towns wary but feeling their trivial safety.

Only War – Severan Dominate Episode 3
November 03, 2017

Encounters with other cultures under the Dominate’s protection is inevitable. While your own commanders, in concert with the Legate Corps, will do their best to integrate you, it is your own duty to seek to understand those who will fight alongside you...

InSpectres – The Ecto Cooler Power Hour
October 31, 2017

In the bygone year of 2007, paranormal investigations flooded the airwaves of deep cable stations. One such station assembled its own team to set itself apart from the others: A former child star turned spirit medium,